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Category:Adobe InDesign
Category:2001 softwareSternal cleft: prenatal ultrasonography and classification.
Anomalies of the sternum include sternal cleft and cleft sternum. Ultrasonography is the only imaging method available to confirm the prenatal diagnosis of sternal cleft. However, the images from this modality have poor spatial resolution, making it difficult to determine the localization of the cleft. In this study, we performed an ultrasonographic analysis to explore the features of the prenatal ultrasonographic appearance of sternal cleft and propose a classification of the anomalies. Thirty-two cases of prenatal ultrasonographic examination in the second trimester and the third trimester were retrospectively analyzed. In addition, five cases were examined postnatally by surgical procedure and radiographic examination. The diagnostic criteria for the prenatal ultrasonographic appearance were the following: 1) pericardial effusion; 2) the presence of an air bubble at the cleft edge; and 3) the location of the cleft. The cleft could be classified into three types: (1) a depression or protrusion of the sternum or the anterior manubrium; (2) a sagittal cleft between the manubrium and the sternum; and (3) a cleft in the entire sternum. Ultrasound examination should be performed as early as possible to examine the sternal cleft. This study proposed a classification of the cleft on the basis of prenatal ultrasonographic features.Q:
Full Screen Color Image
I have a gallery which allows the user to pick and customize a color scheme. I want to create a color box of the same size as the screen, so it can be blown up for the user to select a color from.
I need to figure out how to get the image to scale to the screen and then create the color box around the image, which is exactly the same size.
You can use an ImageView with a ratio of 1:1.
First, set a fixed height and width. be359ba680
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